I took the most popular advice and got a new hairstyle and LOVE it! (thanks for taking my poll!!) I went darker and got a version of an A-line. It's so nice to actually have a hairstyle! Tyson was gone when I took these pictures, so I took them myself! :)

I'm not vain, I just wanted pictures from all angles so you could get the full effect!

From the side

Striking a pose!
CUTE! I can't wait to see it in person!! Love the color too!
Ok, LOVE IT!! She did so good!! Did Lawson still recognize you afterwards?
It looks way good! I am excited to see it! Did she do it with a razor? The color is great on you too!
Very chic! You look really hott!
Ummmm LOVE it! The dark REALLY suits you and the cut looks great! What a refreshing thing a hair cute is!
cut, but cute too!
Lovely doo!! You look fabulous! And I must say that I like your music selections too! I am such a fan of the classics! :)
Love it! You look really great - especially with the darker color. Its more you, and so SEXY!!! ;)
Sara! I just subscribed to your blog and love the updates! I don't even know where you are now and what is going on. It is so fun to see you and your family! I have had a blog for a long time and am getting better about not being such a perfectionist and worrying whether it is exactly like I want it now. E-mail me and I will get you the address if you want it.
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