On March 29th, Makayla Ty Oblad was blessed. Tyson gave her a beautiful blessing but it was hard for me to concentrate on what he was saying between Lawson yelling and Makayla crying through the entire blessing! (I forgot to send her pacifier with her) We had the blessing in our singles' ward where Tyson is the 2nd Counselor in the bishopric. It was fun for everyone to come and see Tyson in action (he conducted) and see where we spend our Sundays. We had Tyson give the blessing and both our dads, Tim (Tyson's brother), and John David (a good friend from Law School and our normal ward) in the circle. I'm grateful for amazing family and friends and especially Tyson who are worthy to hold the Priesthood. We had a lot of family and friends who came. Thanks to all for your support.
I don't think I've ever explained Makayla's middle name before. As most of you may know, Tyson likes BYU football. He's not just your average fan-- he's obsessed! Tyson wanted to name Lawson "Doman," which is the last name of a family who has produced many BYU players. We compromised and gave him the middle name of "Y" after BYU. We thought we would just keep that tradition with our boys- giving them BYUish middle names- but decided to do it with all our children. Ty Detmer was a famous BYU player in the 80s so we went with his first name for Makayla's middle name. Her middle name is threefold though. It's also after Tyson and my brother Tyler. So there you go.
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