I just uploaded pictures from my camera and realized I haven't posted pictures in a long while. These are all pictures from August so Makayla is 6 months old in the pics and Lawson 2 years and 9 months.

Makayla loves her johnny-jump-up. She can stay in there for an hour and be perfectly happy! When Lawson was little, he would only play for 5 minutes and then he was done.

Just thought this was a cute pic.

In August, we went to the Fall Sports Kickoff party at the soccer field, which we do every year! They have some of the sports players there to sign autographs and play games with the kids. The football section is usually the most popular! :) Lawson got a balloon sword from someone who was making them.

Of course they have Bronco Mendenhall, football coach, talk to the crowd and answer questions from the announcers.

Makayla chillin.

Lawson pointing at something.

In the track and field section, they had a little race track set up for the kids to race each other. Lawson is the last one in the picture. Ha ha! He kept wanting to race over and over. We finally had to pick him up and leave!
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