Sunday, November 28, 2010

Porter- 6 months

Porter turned 6 months just the day after Lawson's birthday. He had his check up with Lawson.
The stats:
Height: 28 1/2 inches (off the charts)
Weight: 17 lbs. 13 oz. (off the charts)
Head: 47 cm (95th)
He's a very cute boy! To me, he doesn't look like the other kids. He looks more like my side of the family. He's not quite sitting up yet by himself and doesn't have a desire to crawl yet. :) That's definitely fine by me! He has both bottom teeth, which he bites me with and I want to cry everytime he does! We love him and are thankful he's in our family!


Shirley said...

Holy cow he is big! He is so cute. :)

The Thompson Family said...

He is such a cutie, definitly looks like a Thompson, no wonder he is such a handsome guy! :) Love that he is off the charts haha, I can't wait to squish him!!!!