Sunday, November 21, 2010


Tyson turned the big 29 on November 13th! He and I went out to dinner the night before (thanks to my babysitting co-op!) and the night of had delicious Boston Creme Pie! Yum!! He said it was the best birthday he's had in a long time because 1) BYU won the football game against Colorado State. 2) UofU got creamed in their football game against Notre Dame (who is really bad this year). 3)BYU won their basketball game the night before. 4) He spent this birthday in Texas, which hasn't happened since 2002 on his mission. 5) He treated himself to Wing Stop, which is his favorite wings place that they don't have in Utah (he first discovered it last summer when we were living in McAllen, TX).
Happy Birthday! Love ya!


Jamie said...

I see Makayla!