Thursday, March 17, 2011


I'm going to make it official because I'm feeling pretty crappy- we're going to have another baby!! It will be baby #4! I can't believe it! It will be due around October 30th. I have my first doctor appointment in a couple of weeks. Right now I'm only 7 1/2 weeks. I just started "feeling it" when I hit 7 weeks. I've been getting a lot of headaches lately. I've read that hormones can play into that. I don't like this stage of pregnancy so I hope it goes by fast. :) This pregnancy wasn't planned but wasn't not planned, if that makes sense. We talked about getting pregnant this time around but then decided to wait a few months, but other plans were on the horizon! :) Anyway, so we're really excited! Makayla keeps trying to look down my shirt to see the "tiny baby." Lawson thinks there's a girl and a boy in there (I can't even imagine twins at this point!). Porter will be a big brother! He'll be about 17 1/2 months when this one is born. Makayla will be 2 and 8 months and Lawson will be 4 and 11 months. So we will have 4 kids that are 4 and under!! Crazy, I know! Wish me luck! :)


Mindy said...

Oh wow. Congrats! I hope you don't mind me stocking your blog. That is exciting. I'll be sure to tell Marc and Sam for Tyson. Good luck!

Shirley said...

You are a super woman. Wow! Congratulations! I hope the icky part goes fast for you and you're feeling good in no time!

Beckie said...

Oh Congrats- I'm feeling stressed for you!! I hope you feel better soon!!

Nichols said...

Congrats! You will be one busy lady! I hope you feel better soon.

Alycia & Steven said...

Yay! you're family is so adorable already, one more will be even better! congratulations!!!