On our way from Idaho to Tyson's family in Utah, we stopped at my Grandma's house. It was fun for the kids to see their great-grandma! Fun for us too!
She took good care of the kids while we stayed at Tyson's dad's house in Salt Lake.
Playing in Uncle Jonathan's room.
Aunt Kjera and Makayla
Grandpa Oblad & Lawson
Kjera (Tyson's little sister) is having her first baby the beginning of January.
We went to Chuck-A-Rama with the family.
Tickling Me Me (Tyson's Grandma)
Aunt Kjera & Uncle Mike
Julian and Lawson were good little friends during Law School.
We had to go to Brick Oven while we were there for old time's sake.
They are only about 3 weeks apart in age. Sam and I were pregnant at the same time and bonded even more during that time! :) She was pregnant too (she's had her baby since then) when we went to see them. I've missed her during this pregnancy. :)
Oblads & Andersons
Makayla got some lip gloss from my mom and was showing Porter how to use it.

We had such a fun time in Utah and were sad to leave family and friends. We did all the driving in 3 days each way-- 20 hours to Utah and another 3 1/2 to Idaho. The van that we got in April was a lifesaver and made the trip much more doable. The kids did great with no major mishaps to report! We miss family and hope to see some visitors soon!
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