Tyson's birthday was a few days before Lawson's. Tyson has always wanted an authentic BYU helmet. I broke down and let him get one for his Birthday/Christmas present (and probably his next Birthday and Christmas!!) Tyson has been tracking the package from UPS all week and would update where it was each day. Yesterday it was finally supposed to be here so he went to school for a couple of hours and instructed me I couldn't go anywhere in case it came. When he got home, he sat in our chair by the window and looked out everytime a car drove by! Drove me crazy! Finally around 1pm it arrived. I've never seen the boy so happy. He told me he's wanted a helmet for 10 years now!

Of course he had to see what Lawson would look like wearing it!

Lawson wasn't quite sure what to think of this thing on his head. So if you come over to our humble abode and notice an AUTHENTIC BYU helmet sitting on our entertainment center for all to admire-- you'll know that a young boy's (Tyson) hope and dream has come true.
haaha Tyson is so funny! How are you?!!! I miss you guys!
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