A few months ago Lawson learned how to push the buttons on the tv. We temporarily fixed it by putting our coffee table in front of the tv which was the perfect height to cover the buttons. Well, little Lawson Y figured out how to go underneath the coffee table and squeeze his little finger in between the tv and table and manage to still push the buttons (turning the tv off and on, changing channels and volume). We outsmarted him and put our ottoman underneath the coffee table which fit perfectly (lucky us!). We decided that we needed to do something more permanent and a little less of a hassle. For a few weeks we both thought about different ways we could put something over the buttons. (Honestly, sometimes while I was drifting off to sleep I would think of ways to fix this "problem.") Tape wouldn't work. Cardboard wouldn't work. A foam strip wouldn't work. We decided we would fashion something out of plastic and superglue it to the tv (a little too permanent). We went to the Dollar Store in search of something to use. We found some plastic things that we could cut up so we bought them along with a razor knife and some superglue. On our way home we decided to swing by Baby's R Us to see if they had something there. Sure enough, there was this fancy transparent black strip of plastic that is secured by super duty velcro to the tv. It's transparent so the remote sensor, which is located right by our power button, can still be used with the remote control. WHAT A BRILLANT IDEA!! It seems we're not the only ones who have had this problem! Whoever invented this handy piece of plastic derserves a metal! Little Lawson Y can't pull the sucker off and it's been wonderful ever since!

A closer look at the fancy transparent black strip of plastic.
Isn't it funny how fun it is for them to push buttons on the tv? Aiden has the same addiction. He likes the remotes too. He has figured out how to say mine and those are his. haha. Thanks so much for watching him the other day!
Oh, I so agree! When we discovered that with Jonathan (our oldest), it was so wonderful! It was kind of funny to watch him try to get the power button through it at first, too. :)
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