A couple of years ago, we came down here with Tyson's sister and went on a cool dolphin watch. We saw tons of dolphins but Lawson was only about 6 months old at the time so we thought it would be fun to do it again. We went with the same company but did an "eco-tour" also with the dolphin watch. They dragged a net behind the boat for about 15 minutes and then pulled it up and dumped all the marine life into a big plastic box and one of the guys told us about the things they caught. It was so cool!

Eating dinner on South Padre Island right by the ocean. Way over-priced but a fun experience.

Waiting for our dolphin watch.

Enjoying the sun.

Us on the boat.

Tyson's mom and Lawson.

Pulling the net behind the boat.

The marine life that was caught in the net.
This next part might be boring, but I thought each thing was so cool to see.

A scorpion fish.
It's one of the most dangerous fish in the ocean. Who would have thought? It can leave you in the hospital for a couple of weeks.

I tried to take a ton of pictures of the dophins we saw but this was the best one I saw. It was so fun to see them.

A female crab. He rubbed the top of her head and made her fall asleep. It was cool.

A Pigfish.
If you shake the fish it snorts like a pig! Underwater it sounds really loud and scares predators away. Again, way cool!

A Shrimp.

Tyson's mom holding the butterfly ray.
It looks like a stingray but doesn't have a stinger.

Lawson is so brave!

Our cute little captain!
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