Sunday, August 15, 2010

Makayla-- 18 Months!

Makayla turned 18 months just 3 days ago! I can't believe it! She has her doctor appointment in a couple of weeks-- stats to come!
I gave her her first real haircut (the best I could) yesterday to trim off the wispy baby hair. This was right before the haircut (an "after" picture will be posted later). There wasn't much to work with, as you can tell, but I think it might grow faster with healthier ends.
She is a sassy little girl. She walks with her shoulders and is such a cute little stinker. I often times find her sitting on her baby brother in his swing.
She's loves giving hugs and squeezes when she does.
Her newest word is "neener neener neener!"
She finally got her bottom canine teeth and is working on the top ones still. She's very "prissy" lately with eating and doesn't eat much-- didn't learn that from me. :) Although she loves anything sweet.
She is very silly and has the best laugh. She says "hi" to everyone she meets and loves people. She doesn't seem to be scared of anyone. She does great in nursery (we took her earlier than normal! Soooo grateful!) and loves going each week. She loves socializing. We love her and are grateful she's in our family!


Beckie said...

Ooh too Cute- wow you have your hands full-- 18 month old and baby -- whew! I'm tired just thinking about it!