Wednesday, June 08, 2011

It's a . . .

We had our ultrasound yesterday and found out what we're having! Going into it I was 99% sure we were having a boy. I would have bet money on it. Boy, I was surprised to find out we're having a girl!! I wanted a girl so I'm really excited! I'm glad Makayla will have a little sister. Only 21 more weeks until we get to see her!


Nichols said...

Wahoo! Two and Two! You've got it made! :)

Beckie said...


Justina Selim said...

Yay! So exciting! Names??

Mindy said...


Trenholms said...

Yay! Even score. How great! We're so excited for you guys. Hope you're feeling okay....let's see some belly pics!

Mike & Kjera Miranda said...

Wow, Sara. We're happy for you guys. I hope our first is a girl also. Kjera wants a boy, but I guess we'll see who prayed harder in a few weeks. I hope the family is doing well, but mostly, I hope you are feeling ok. From what I've observed here at home, I see being pregnant can be miserable at times, so I hope you're doing ok. Hope to see you all soon.