At the beginning of September, Tyson's dad came for a visit and to bring Cicily (Tyson's sister) down to work at Tyson's office as a legal assistant intern. While he was here we ate lots of good food and went to see the Dallas

Makayla & Lawson in front of the
A friend of mine gave a good talk in church about having your kids touch the temple as often as possible. (Thanks, Jenn!) In Provo, the temple was only minutes away. It's been different living in Texas where it takes about 30+ minutes to get to the nearest one. We took advantage of being near downtown and let the kids get out and touch the temple. Makayla has asked a few times since then if we can go touch the temple. :)

Grandpa Oblad, Cicily and the kids.
Ha! I feel so privileged to be mentioned on your blog! I can't take all the credit though. . . it was President Monson's idea to touch the temple. And we haven't even done it yet. Way to go!
p.s. love the picture of Mikayla and her nap-time mess!
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