Sunday, July 06, 2008

New Calling

So a couple of months ago, Tyson got a call from a guy who is in the BYU 9th Stake. He was asking if Tyson and I could come in for an interview with the Stake President of that Stake and also the Bishop of the BYU 10th Ward. We went in and they told us right away that they weren't extending a calling, but wanted to get to know us and what our situation was. They told us that our Stake (Bonneville Stake) is the "Feeder Stake" for their leadership callings. Our bishop had submitted Tyson's name to be considered for a calling. So they told us they had a few people to interview and that we'd get a call back if Tyson was needed in the ward. Only a week later, Tyson got another call for us to come in and meet with them again. Tyson got called to be the 2nd Counselor in the bishopric of the BYU 10th Ward. Last week was our first week because of our trip to Texas. Tyson was set apart and today he went to his first morning of meetings! He said it was pretty interesting. He gets to count the tithing each week after church too! Lawson and I went to the meetings last week when Tyson was sustained and set apart. Lawson, being the only child in the entire ward, was extremely naughty!!! I had to take him out of Sacrament Meeting a number of times. My sister, Abbie, was staying with us, so I took her and Lawson home after Sacrament Meeting so we could put Lawson down for his nap. Church is from 12:30-3:30, which is right smack dab in the middle of his naptime. Today we didn't go because Tim and Ally blessed little Oliver and I wasn't feeling all that great. It seems like a great ward and it should be a really good calling for Tyson. For student wards, the calling for counselors is only a year. Our records are still in our ward here, so we will still do our visiting and home teaching, we just won't have callings in our home ward. We've both been released in our current callings: Tyson as Sunday School 1st Counselor and me as Visiting Teaching Leader. I'll miss my calling a bit, but it will be a good break. :)

This past week, we've been up in Idaho at my family's house. I started feeling the first crappy feelings of pregnancy last Sunday, so it was nice to be in Idaho to have more people to help out with Lawson. My mom watched Lawson every morning and let Tyson and me sleep-in! It was soooo nice! Thanks, mom! I'm still feeling kinda crappy but I haven't thrown up at all yet. I've been craving the same things I did with Lawson-- mostly salty stuff like ramen noodles, spaghetti, cheese, ranch dressing, and chips. Spaghetti tastes soooo good to me! I don't know if that has anything to do with the gender or not with craving the same things.

We had a great 4th of July in Idaho Falls. I haven't been home for 6 years for the 4th. On the 3rd, my family had their traditional neighbor firework show. Everyone gathers at my parents' house (they live in a cul-de-sac) and light off a ton of fireworks. They had some pretty cool ones this year! Devin and Missy live right across the street from the temple/Snake River (where they set off the fireworks) so we had a barbeque in their backyard on the 4th. After the food, we had our traditional water balloon fight. My mom and I sat in the van and I took pictures! Lawson just kinda wandered around as people were throwing balloons all around him. It was pretty funny. I took the pictures on Missy's camera, so I will get those posted later. When it started getting dark, we walked only a block from their house with our chairs and sat in the middle of the road and watched the fireworks. Lawson LOVED them! He kept saying, "Oh! Wow!" It was a great day and I was feeling pretty good.

Well, this is dang long post. I think I'm updated a little. I will post our TX pics soon-- I promise! :)


Tami Farrer said...

Congrats! I am sure going to miss seeing ya Sara in church.

Justina Selim said...

What a fun calling for you guys! So, does that mean Lawson doesn't get to go to nursery?

Linnea said...

Sara! I didn't know you had a blog! And you are expecting again - thats so exciting! Congratulations!