Sunday, September 21, 2008

3 more days!

So we're having our ultrasound on Wednesday at 9am! I really can't wait and I've been having weird dreams lately. Last night I dreamed that Tyson gave me a c-section so we could see what the baby was. We found out it was a girl! Then I told Tyson we better put her back in so she could keep growing. I kept thinking that our ultrasound wasn't going to be very exciting because we already knew what it was. haha! It was a weird one!

My mom is staying with us tomorrow night and Tuesday night and she is coming to the appointment with us. Tyson's mom was supposed to come but has to work that morning. It'll be fun to have my mom there but feel bad Julie can't be there. I personally hope for a girl and Tyson wants a boy but honestly, it doesn't really matter to me what we have. A boy would be cheaper because we have everything we need for one! I will definitely post when we find out!


Justina Selim said...

How exciting! I can't wait to find out!

the Arpkes said...

I want a girl too! It is fun having boys though together because they play so well together, most of the time! Good luck! Lawson is a doll! He has the prettiest eyes!

Melanie said...

Ultrasounds are so fun. I kinda hope you have a girl too, so our little girls can play.

Sara Anne said...

you havn't posted yet? it's been like 5 hours! congratulations! thanks for the text!

Melanie said...

I won't spoil the news if anyone is still waiting to hear, but congrats!