We had a fun Halloween this year. Lawson didn't quite figure the whole trick-or-treating thing out completely but we still had a good time.

Lawson was a BYU football player this year. This is him trying to do a "mean" face.

This is a happy face. :)

There was a "harvest" party at the church that we went to. Lawson loved running around.

Lawson's friend, Julian.

Lawson's friend, Jaimison, is the orange dinosaur in the background. His mom made his costume! Very impressive, Shaunelle! :)

The Law School had a Halloween party also. This is Lawson trying to play Halloween Twister. He pretty much just sat there instead. Notice his shoulder pads. He looked pretty sweet!

My mom was down for the day so she came to the party with us. It was a lot of fun.

Lawson had fun throwing a balloon around. There was a little fashion show for everyone who was wearing a costume so Tyson took Lawson through. Everyone was chanting Fui's name when it was Lawson's turn. (he's the player that wears #1). Lawson got a little bit of stage fright and didn't like all the attention, which totally shocked me.

On Halloween day, we went to the mall for trick-or-treating. We have to keep Lawson on a leash or he takes off. It's getting harder and harder for me to chase after him. He didn't like putting his candy in his bucket so he would hold the piece until we went to the next person, then he would forget about the candy he was holding and we'd hurry and put it in his bucket while he was choosing the next piece. He's holding some candy in his left hand in this picture.

Lawson has been really naughty the last couple of days since we started getting candy from parties. He gets grumpy because I won't let him eat his candy constantly. He's had many tantrums in the last few days. I asked him to smile for this picture with dad, but he covered his face instead-- little stinker! I was aiming the camera to take this picture and I realized we were in front of Victoria's Secret right in front of a poster of a busty lady so I had to turn the camera a little! haha! We were at the mall a few days earlier and had passed Victoria's Secret. Lawson ran up to the busty lady poster and put his hands on the glass and in awe said, "Oh! Wow!" It was hilarious. Tyson was proud. I was disgusted!

The night before Halloween we carved pumpkins. Lawson loved putting his fingers in the guts, which surprised me because he hates having gross things on his hands.

Tyson and his little sister, Cicily.

Here's our finished products. Mine is a spiderweb (in case you couldn't tell!) and Tyson's is the Y.
We had a fun Halloween holiday and look forward to it next year!
We missed you at the game! Totally understand though! :-<
I laughed so hard at the Victoria's secret story, haha!
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