I've had some requests to post pictures of our double-wide. I've taken pics of all the rooms so you're getting the full tour! We'll be sad to leave all this space behind when we go back to Provo.
Our diningroom
The livingroom. For some reason there is a fireplace. Only a psycho would light it!
The kitchen. There's lots of counter space. We have a deck outside of the sliding glass door. The first day we were here Lawson and I went out on the deck. I came in and shut the door and Lawson hadn't realized the door was shut and ran right into it. I'll have to admit, it was funny.
More of the kitchen. It has a full-size dishwasher and 2 ovens!
The "swimming room." We keep all of our swimming stuff in here. Sweet wallpaper, eh?
Lawson's room. I forgot to add Makayla's room, but it's about the same. We just put her in the middle of the bed to sleep. She isn't rolling over yet, so that's nice.
Sweet living arrangements! How fun! I bet you guys are having such a nice time! :)
it looks so nice! It's amazing to me how double wides get a bad rep, but there is so much room!
You're so funny. I don't know what I like more... the wood paneling or the tiger portrait. LOL. It DOES have a lot of space, though... and double ovens?! That alone might be worth it :)
Living the dream!!! LOVE it!!
Hope you are enjoying Texas.... but dont get too attached. YOU must come back!
Love that you keep calling it a double wide when so many are calling them "manufactured homes" stay cool! ;) hahaha
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