Thursday, September 09, 2010

Lawson's Imagination...

Today Lawson and I were eating lunch together (I think Makayla had finished her lunch and was taking her nap-- she's in the "terrible twos" and I look forward to her nap!). Anyway, we were eating lunch and we were talking about a friend's house that we had been to yesterday, which is ginormous. I was commenting on how fun it would be to have a big house someday. Lawson was talking about their stairs (he loves throwing things down the stairs) and said, "We could get some stairs. We could just buy them from HEB (a local grocery store) and glue them on the ceiling." I asked him where the stairs would go and he said, "We can just push the ceiling up and they could go up." It was very cute.
He can write his name now. I have to tell him the letters but he did this all on his own. My favorite is the fat "A" in Oblad. I giggled when he did it. :)


Justina Selim said...

It's so cute to see little kids write their names. I love the messy handwriting! I have saved way too many of Aiden's haha. Are you guys doing preschool this year for Lawson?

Stephanie :) said...

So cute! My daughter has been learning to write her name. She can't write all the letters yet, so she just writes what she can and then does squiggles (imagine a "w" that just keeps going). I love listening to kids thoughts. I wish I could just see what actually goes on in their heads! :)